Analysing and Visualising Super Netball Data in R

A line-by-line tutorial to process, import, clean, filter and visualise data.

By popular demand we have another R programming video by Dr Alice Sweeting! In this video Alice goes step-by-step through every line of the code she uses to process, import, clean, filter and then visualise some worked Super Netball examples. The sport science/analytics community is very fortunate to have many free datasets available online for anyone aspiring to learn or further explore sports data, analytics and programming languages. Many of these free datasets have been developed into dedicated packages which can be installed straight into R, just like the ‘superNetballR’ package used in this video, which is provided and maintained by Steve Lane.


If you are curious about sport data, analytics and programming languages, take a look at our new Graduate Certificate in Data Analytics for Sports Performance at Victoria University. Learn how to critically appraise sport technologies, contextualise knowledge from analytical insights and devise how decision-support systems can help humans synthesise data.

Interested in the material from this presentation?

Some other packages dedicated to providing sports data in R:


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